2019-Mar-23 ArtIcons (Pro) 5.52
Improved: Support for Mac OS icons
Improved: Support for 64-bit DLL and EXE files
2018-Sep-17 ArtIcons (Pro) 5.51
Fixed: Problems with antivirus software
Updated: Arabic language interface
2016-Jul-28 ArtIcons (Pro) 5.49
Added: Ability to import PNG8 images with alpha channel
Added: Ability to import icons from 64-bit DLLs
2016-Mar-22 ArtIcons (Pro) 5.48
Added: Arabic language interface
2016-Jan-28 ArtIcons (Pro) 5.47
Fixed: Minor bugs
2015-May-14 ArtIcons (Pro) 5.46
Added: Support for PNG-encoded Mac OS X icons
Added: Support for 768x768 icons for Windows 10
2015-Apr-06 ArtIcons (Pro) 5.45
Fixed: Small bugs
2013-Dec-16 ArtIcons (Pro) 5.44
Fixed: Small bugs
2013-Oct-16 ArtIcons (Pro) 5.43
Added: Support for SVG, AI, PDF images
Added: Support for 1024x1024 Mac OS icons
2012-Dec-19 ArtIcons (Pro) 5.42
Improved: Save dialogs
2012-Jul-09 ArtIcons (Pro) 5.41
Updated: Splash screen
2011-Dec-08 ArtIcons (Pro) 5.40
Improved: Compatibility with Windows 7
2010-May-03 ArtIcons (Pro) 5.28
Updated: Norwegian interface
2010-Mar-15 ArtIcons (Pro) 5.27
Added: Finnish interface
Added: Compatibility with 64-bit Windows
2009-Oct-09 ArtIcons (Pro) 5.26
Added: Support for large 256x256 and 512x512 Mac OS Leopard icons
2009-Jun-01 ArtIcons (Pro) 5.25
Added: Color selection for Drop Shadow effect
2009-Feb-19 ArtIcons 5.23
Fixed: Some bugs with ICO files
2009-Jan-05 ArtIcons 5.23 (Pro)
Updated: Chinese interface
Added: Ability to view 256x256 images inside icon libraries
2008-Nov-04 ArtIcons 5.22 (Pro)
Updated: Czech interface
2008-Sep-23 ArtIcons 5.21 (Pro)
Fixed: Problems with clipboard
2008-Jan-24 ArtIcons 5.20 (Pro)
Added: Ability to save 32-bit ICL files
2007-Sep-20 ArtIcons 5.19 (Pro)
Added: Ability to open 16-bit ICL files under Windows Vista
2007-Sep-12 ArtIcons 5.18 (Pro)
Updated: Norwegian and Catalan interfaces
2007-May-17 ArtIcons 5.17 (Pro)
Updated: Italian interface
2007-Feb-06 ArtIcons 5.16 (Pro)
Fixed: Small bugs
2007-Jan-18 ArtIcons 5.15 (Pro)
Added: Feedback and Ready Icons options
2006-Dec-12 ArtIcons 5.14 (Pro)
Updated: Czech interface
2006-Oct-25 ArtIcons 5.13 (Pro)
Added: Support for large WBMP images
2006-Jul-05 ArtIcons 5.12 (Pro)
Added: Korean interface
2006-Apr-02 ArtIcons 5.11 (Pro)
Added: German and Norwegian help files
Updated: Czech, Italian, Norwegian and Traditional Chinese interfaces
Modified: Test icon tool
2006-Feb-20 ArtIcons 5.10 (Pro)
Added: Japanese and Danish interfaces
Updated: Norwegian interface
2005-Dec-05 ArtIcons v5 (Pro)
Added: Support for Windows Vista icons
Added: Ability to draw smooth lines and shapes
Added: Arc tool
Added: Crop function
Added: Ability to paint over or replace original pixels
Added: Stroke and other effects
Added: Ability to scan entire computer for icons
Modified: Color palette
2005-Oct-06 ArtIcons 4.21 (Pro)
Added: Ability to paste color from the clipboard
2005-Jul-04 ArtIcons 4.20 (Pro)
Added: Ability to import Borland resource files
Added: Realtime preview
Added: Bosnian interface
Updated: Turkish interface
2005-Apr-11 ArtIcons 4.15 (Pro)
Added: Ability to import MAC OS icons
2005-Feb-01 ArtIcons 4.14 (Pro)
Updated: Italian, French, German, Spanish, Serbian and Turkish interfaces
2004-Dec-09 ArtIcons 4.12 (Pro)
Added: Color replacement
Added: Hue/Saturation effect
2004-Oct-11 ArtIcons 4.10 (Pro)
Added: Smooth resampling
Updated: Czech interface
2004-Sep-12 ArtIcons 4.08 (Pro)
Added: Croatian interface
Added: Ability to view Windows XP icon perspective grid
Fixed: Layer mode errors
2004-Jul-22 ArtIcons 4.07 (Pro)
Added: Arbitrary canvas rotation
2004-Jun-15 ArtIcons 4.06 (Pro)
Fixed: Problems with some .bmp files
2004-May-20 ArtIcons 4.05 (Pro)
Updated: Italian interface
2004-Apr-08 ArtIcons 4.04 (Pro)
Modified: Undo limit is increased to 24 commands
2004-Mar-17 ArtIcons 4.03 (Pro)
Added: Ukrainian interface
2004-Mar-10 ArtIcons 4.02 (Pro)
Updated: Hungarian and Czech interfaces
2004-Feb-26 ArtIcons 4.01 (Pro)
Added: Window position saving
Fixed: Problem with adding new images in layer mode
2004-Jan-27 ArtIcons 4.0 (Pro)
Added: Ability to create images containing several layers
Added: Ability to store icon projects with layer information (Pro version only)
Added: Hatch and chess patterns for transparent color
Added: New effect - Merge with background color
Added: Displaying icons in libraries using the custom size
Added: Exporting an icon library as a single 32-bit bitmap image
Added: Ability to export and import transparent 256-colored PNG images
Added: Catalan, Polish, Serbian, Swedish, Portuguese (Brasil) interfaces
Improved: Images in sizes up to 3000x3000 can be imported or edited
Updated: Program interface
Removed: Displaying icons in libraries using the 64x64 size
Removed: 3d frame drawing tool
Removed: 255x255 image size limit
2003-Mar-07 ArtIcons 3.26 (Pro)
Added: Ability to export (import) multiple icons to (from) image strips in BMP and PNG formats
Added: Support for X Pixmap (XPM) and X Bitmap (XBM) formats (Pro version only)
Added: Export to Wap Bitmap (WBMP) format (Pro version only)
Added: Ability to customize the default palette for creating 8-bit images
Added: Alternative button images to customize the program interface
Added: Dutch, Czech interface
2002-Nov-11 ArtIcons 3.25 (Pro)
Added: German interface
Added: Support for ICC icon collection format
2002-Aug-24 ArtIcons 3.24 (Pro)
Fixed: Problem with changing the folder icons
Fixed: Problem with saving icons after adding new images
2002-Jul-24 ArtIcons 3.23 (Pro)
Added: Romanian interface
2002-Jun-23 ArtIcons 3.22 (Pro)
Added: Support for semitransparent PNG images
2002-Jun-14 ArtIcons 3.21 (Pro)
Added: Italian language
2002-May-15 ArtIcons 3.20 (Pro)
Added: Actual transparency use while moving or copying images
Added: RGB lock mode. It allows to modify pixels transparency keeping pixels color
Added: Transparency lock mode. It allows to modify pixels color keeping pixels transparency
Added: Opacity effect
Added: Autostretch for color palette of more than 16 colors
Added: French interface
Fixed: Casual disappearing of selected area while moving or copying
Fixed: Other small bugs
2002-Mar-23 ArtIcons 3.17 (Pro)
Fixed: Problems with last icon update in some .dll files
Modified: "Select gradient" dialog
2002-Jan-18 ArtIcons 3.16 (Pro)
Added: Colorize effect
Fixed: Problems with icon customizing under Windows XP
Fixed: Problems with some .psd files
2001-Dec-26 ArtIcons 3.15 (Pro)
Added: Ability to modify icon size and color resolution inside program files
Added: Chinese (BIG5) interface
2001-Dec-18 ArtIcons 3.14 (Pro)
Added: Ability to change icons inside program files
Added: Icon image test
Added: Preview area
Added: Ability to add multiple images to an icon at once
Added: Spanish language
Added: Chinese (BG) language
2001-Nov-10 ArtIcons 3.12 (Pro)
Built: Spanish Edition
2001-Nov-18 ArtIcons 3.12 (Pro)
Added: Grayscale effect
Fixed: Problems with some .psd files
2001-Oct-20 ArtIcons 3.11 (Pro)
Added: Hungarian language
2001-Oct-14 ArtIcons 3.10 (Pro)
Added: User folder icon customization
Added: Multilanguage interface support
2001-Sep-28 ArtIcons 3.01 (Pro)
Fixed: Bug in Open File Dialog for Add Image and Import Image functions
2001-Sep-16 ArtIcons 3.0 (Pro)
Added: Support for windows XP smooth icons in 32-bit color depth with 8-bit alpha-channel
Added: Drop shadow, smooth, negative effects for creating Windows XP icons
Added: Direct support for Adobe Photoshop native format (Pro version only)
Added: Ability to customize default Windows icons
Added: Hot keys: Ctrl++, Ctrl+-, *, /
Modified: Main menu
Removed from the standard edition and implemented in the Pro version only:
- Export into gif, rc, psd formats
- Export library items into one single image
- Import from wbmp, gif, psd formats
- Import and export icon color palettes
- Split icon libraries into individual icon files
- Split icons into subicons
- Sortings
2001-Aug-30 ArtIcons 2.52
Added: Library icons sorting by color depth
2001-Aug-08 ArtIcons 2.51
Added: Import from WAP bitmaps
Added: Ability to add large images to icons
Added: Color indication in the status bar
Fixed: Problem with a multi-monitor configuration
2001-Jun-03 ArtIcons 2.5
Added: Ability to open and edit bmp, jpg, gif and png images
2001-Apr-18 ArtIcons 2.41
Fixed: Small bugs
2001-Apr-05 ArtIcons 2.4
Added: Export icons into single image
Fixed: Small bugs
2001-Mar-05 ArtIcons 2.35
Added: Samples
Added: Ability to open libraries with currupt icons
Fixed: Open File dialog small bugs
Changed: Color format from BGR to RGB in the Status Bar
2001-Feb-02 ArtIcons 2.34
Added: Compatibility with Aha-Soft ArtCursors
Improved: Drag-n-Drop support
Improved: Conversion to GIF format
Fixed: Error with creating files com1, lpt1 etc.
Fixed: Incomplete renaming in "Correct names" function for libraries
2001-Jan-10 ArtIcons 2.33
Fixed: Incorrect cursor hotspot setting while export
2001-Jan-04 ArtIcons 2.32
Fixed: Incorrect icon displaying with some video drivers
2000-Dec-24 ArtIcons 2.31
Fixed: Incorrect grid display on some Win98 platforms using certain video drivers
2000-Dec-23 ArtIcons 2.3
Added: Drag-n-Drop support for icon images between icons
Added: Import and export PNG format
Improved: Help system
Changed: Register dialog
Fixed: Problems while import with transparent function
2000-Dec-01 ArtIcons 2.2
Added: Stop button for long operations
Added: Import and export to GIF format
Added: Swap Foreground and Background colors button
in Icon Editor
Fixed: Incorrect import, export, conversion of non-square,
256-colored images
2000-Nov-12 ArtIcons 2.1
Fixed: Wrong importing of monochrome images
Added: Image format conversions
Added: Multiple images sorting in icons
Added: Saving an icon as a cursor
Improved: Image importing
Improved: Identical icons deleting
2000-Oct-23 ArtIcons 2.0
Added: Help system
Added: Eraser mode of color replacer
Added: "Fast icon displaying" option into configuration
Added: Sort to Library menu
Added: Option to show only existing formats in icons
Changed: Library menu
Changed: Drop-Down menu for brush, spray can and color replacer
Changed: Renamed from IconTool to ArtIcons
Fixed: Incorrect status bar displaying for large fonts
Fixed: Wrong first undo for moved area
Fixed: Some small bugs
2000-Sep-20 IconTool 1.9b
Added: Icon Editor and other.
1999-Nov-01 IconTool 1.0
Base version
Copyright © 2000-2022 Aha-Soft. All rights reserved.
IconLover is our pick. It allows you to design and edit all kinds of graphics required in the software development cycle, including icons, static and animated cursors and interface elements - all these graphics can now be designed in a single application.
Business Icon Set will make your software and web products look more modern and attractive. File formats included into the set are Windows icons, GIF and PNG images.
ArtIcons Pro is an advanced icon-specific utility for Windows. It supports ICO, BMP, PNG, GIF, PSD, XPM, XBM, WBMP, CUR and ANI image formats and allows you to manage icon libraries.
ArtCursors allows you to find, create, edit, import and export cursors and manage cursor libraries. It supports static and animated cursors.
Any to Icon converts icons and cursors into BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF, ICO, CUR and other formats. This wizard can find icons and make images for use on Web pages.