Hardware Icon Set is a collection of pre-made high quality icons representing various hardware items: computer, laptop, monitor, floppy drive, sound card, USB flash drive and others. All pictures share the same consistent classic style with prevalence of blue colors.
The collection is distributed in the BMP, PNG, GIF and ICO formats. Each icon was produced in 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 and 48x48 sizes. The collection includes both 256-colors (suitable for old Windows versions) and full-color transparent icons (for Windows XP and Vista).
Classic Hardware Icon Set
 Network card |
 Motherboard |
 Sound card |
 Video card |
 Memory chip |
 Light on |
 Light off |
 Computer |
 Laptop |
 Notebook |
 Computer frame |
 Server |
 CRT monitor |
 LCD monitor |
 Desktop |
 Monitors |
 Dot-matrix printer |
 Laser printer |
 Bubblejet |
 Scanner |
 Print preview |
 Search computer |
 Find in computer |
 Install |
 Uninstall |
 CD |
 Floppy |
 USB flash drive |
 Pen drive |
 Bluetooth-adapter |
 PCIMCI card |
 Chip |
 Processor |
 Bluetooth |
 Wi-Fi |
 Radio transmitter |
 Portable radio transmitter |
 USB |
 LPT-plug |
 COM-plug |
 Network connection |
 Network group |
 Network structure |
 Network computer |
 Data transmission |
 Device |
 HDD |
 CD drive |
 Floppy drive |
 Secure device |
 Card reader |
 Phone |
 Fax |
 Mobile phone |
 Telephone |
 Telephone receiver |
 Card reader terminal |
 Card terminal |
 Cash register |
 ATM machine |
 Calculator |
 Barcode scanner |
 Fingerprint scanner |
 Fingerprint scan |
 Access |
 Login |
 Login v2 |
 Karaoke |
 Router |
 Modem |
 Projector |
 Keyboard |
 PDA |
 Palm |
 GPS-navigator |
 Web-camera |
 Camera |
 Battery |
 Power |
 UPS |
 Cooler |
 Mouse-pad |
 Mouse |
 Trackball |
 Kid-track |
 Game steering wheel |
 Gamepad |
 Joystick |
 Microphone |
 Audio-plug |
 Headphones |
 MP3 player |
 Remote-control |
 TV tuner |
 TV |
 Camcorder |
 Audio |
 Female screw |
 Pinion |
 Tools |
 Configuration |
 Options |
 Spanner |
 Wrench |
 Monkey-wrench |
 Repair computer |
 Network tool |
 Delivery |
 Basket |
 Credit card |
 Credit cards |
 VISA card |
 Smart card |
 Robot |
 Counter |
 Clock |
 Timer |
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You can also buy individual icons to suit your needs. Each icon is $1 when purchased individually. Please contact us with the icon names you wish to purchase and we will process your order immediately. (Note: Minimum purchase is 2 icons.)
Get individual icons now!
You can order a collection of icons with only some of the available sizes, e.g. 24x24 and 32x32. In this case you will get a discount off the usual price.
All of the icons above are available in the following image formats:
Hardware Icons Depict Computer Hardware Items and Can Be Used for Effective Meaning
Hardware icons can be used to depict the hardware items present in a computer system. They cover harddisk icon, drive icons, laptop icon, memory chip icon, processor icon, etc. These stock icons can be further edited and they will then become custom icons which can be used in your software or application.
Hardware icons set is a collection of pre-made high quality icons representing various hardware component items in a computer - memory card, sound card, USB flash drive, floppy drive, monitor and other components. The hardware icons can be used to represent hardware components in your software or application. These pictures in icon forms are based on a classic blue color scheme and will surely look good and also convey the meaning effectively to the user in question.
The creation of icons requires both creative as well as technical skills. The purpose and manner of intended usage of the icons should also be taken into consideration when designing icons. The icon designers have already taken all these into account while creating the icon set comprising of hardware icons.
The hardware icons set comprises icons like harddisk icon, drive icons, memory chip icon, video card icon, sound card icon, motherboard icon, pen drive icon, Bluetooth icon, wi-fi icon, etc. These can be used royalty-free in any appropriate software application package or even in a web application to convey intended meanings about hardware to the user in question.
Both power users and casual users appreciate the use of icons for depicting concepts using stock icons and custom icons in the software application or system. They serve as visual aids in understanding and comprehension of what each and every function of the software is for.
The custom icons such as harddisk icon, drive icons, etc. can be used to denote the state of the hard disk, whether the application is accessing the disk, etc. by appropriately displaying the icons in the status bar.
The stock icons such as battery, mouse, trackball, joystick, MP3 player, TV, UPS, GPS, etc. can be used to convey effective meaning to the user interface elements of the software application that is being designed.
Hence it is high time that software designers purchase and use ready made icon collections in packages in order to use icons in their desktop and web based applications.
Copyright © 2000-2022 Aha-Soft. All rights reserved.
Individual Ready Icons
You can buy individual icons to suit your needs. Each icon is $1 when purchased individually.
Icon Usage Agreement

Any database software needs our Database Software Icons set. It contains images in four file formats, eight sizes and two color schemes.
Business Software Icons set includes all the graphics you need to design your on-line store or trading application. The set can be instantly accessed for preview, demo download of three icons in porvided.
Perfect Database Icons are the best graphics you can find for developing user interface of your next database related application. All the typical toolbar sizes are provided.
Security Icons pack provides you with quality icons for any security related software or Web project. The set contains symbols for Database, Record, Security, Link, Data filter, etc.

Everything you need to design a toolbar of your database management application is included in the Database Toolbar Icons pack. The images are provided in three states: normal, highlighted and disabled.