iOS Tab Bar Icon Set
iOS Tab Bar Icon Set offers iPhone, iPad, and iPod developers a quick and easy way to create stunning navigation bars, toolbars, and tab bars in their apps. Numerous raster options are available to accommodate the latest super-high resolution Retina displays used in iPhone 5 and similar Apple devices. App tab bar icons will look edgy and three-dimensional. All icons have controllable depth that can be adjusted with an extra Alpha-channel layer. iOS Tab Bar Icon Set includes images one's likely to encounter in toolbars and navigation bars used in iPhone, iPad, and iPod apps.
Technically, developers receive 565 unique app icons drawn in matching style, each coming in black and white versions. Resolutions of 20x20, 30x30, 40x40, and 60x60 pixels in PNG and PSD formats are included.
Price: $99 / 79 EUR.
Note: The icon you provide for toolbars, navigation bars, and tab bars is used as a mask to create the icon you see in your application. It is not necessary to use full-color icons. We offer pure white and black icons with appropriate alpha transparency. iOS adds all required effects itself.
iOS Tab Bar Icon Set contains:
Abort, AC, Account card, Add, Admin, Adress book, Ads, Advertising, Agent, Agent group, Agents, Agriculture, Aim buddy, Air signal, Airtickets, Aladdin lamp, Alarm clock, Alien mask, All reports, Android, Antivirus, App window, Apple, Apply, Armchair, Arrow down-left, Arrow down-right, Arrow up-left, Arrow up-right, Atm, Attach, Audio converter, Audit, Awards, Bad gesture, Bad mark, Balloon, Bandage, Bandaid, Bank account, Barbell, Basket, Battery, Beverage, Bike storage, Bikini, Binoculars, Blogging, Blonde head, Blood pressure, Blouse, Bone, Bones, Book, Book of record, Bookkeeping, Bookmark, Boot, Bottle, Bow, Bra, Bread, Breakfast, Bridge, Briefcase, Briefs, Brightness, Britain flag, Broom, Brunette head, Business, Business center, Calc, Calendar, Call, Camera, Cancel, Cap, Cash register, Cash register, Cassette, Cat head, Cell tower, Cementary, Chart, Chat, Chats, Checkmark, Chicken leg, Children, Chinese food, Chip, Christmas bell, Cinema, Circle, Clamp, Client, Client list, Clients, Clipboard, Clock, Close, Close window, Clothes, Cloud, Clubs card, Coat, Coctail, Coin, Coins, Collapse, Comment, Compass, Condom, Conference, Connect, Constraints, Contrast, Conversion of currency, Create, Credit cards, Crop, Crown, Crystal, Cube, Cursor arrow, Cursor drag arrow, Cursor H split, Cursor V split, Cut, Cutter, Daily made service, Dashboard, Datasheet, Date, Dating, Day of week, Death, Delete, Delivery, Diamonds card, Disabled person, Disconnect, Dishwasher, Doctor, Doctor head, Dog head, Doghouse, Dollar, Dollar coin, Down, Download, Downstairs, Dress, Drive Download, Drive Upload, Dryer, DVD, Easel, E-books, Edit, Edit tasks, Egg, Electric power, Elevator, Email, Email message, Emergency helicopter, Engineer head, Envelope, Erase, Error, Euro, Euro coin, Evening reception, Evernote, Exception, Exit, Expand window, Explosive, Export, Export doc, Facebook, Family, Farmer, Favourites, Fax, Fig gesture, Filter, Finger-print, Fingers, First, First aid, Fish skeleton, Fishing, Fist, Fitness room, Five fingers, Flag, Flash, Flash drive, Flickr, Flights, Flowers, Folder, Fork, Four fingers, Free breakfast, Free internet, FreeBSD, Full recycle bin, Full-size refrigerator, Games, Gear, Gesture - index, Gesture - OK, Gesture - shift, Gesture - show, Ghost, Gift, Globe, Gold bar, Good gesture, Good mark, Grapes, Grave, Grid 2x2, Grid 3x3, Grocery shopping service, Hamburger, Handshake, Hanger, Hard disk, Hat, Head phones, Hearts card, Hello, Help, Hi-Fi stereo, High boot, Hi-speed internet, History, Hollywood smile, Home, Hook, Horseshoe magnet, Hotel, Hotels stars, House, Ice-cream, Illuminant, Import, Import doc, Indoor pool, International call, Internet, Internet explorer, Invoice, IV bag, Jacket, Java, Joystick, Juike box, Kamasutra, Karate, Key, Keys, King sized bed, Kitchen, Landscape, Last, Left, Letter, License, Light off, Light on, Link, List, List bullets, Loading throbber, Lock, Lollipop, Love, Macburger, Mail, Man, Manager, Manipulate, Maps, Marker, Mask, Math, Measure, Measure units, Medal, Medical, Medical hammer, Medical star, Medkit, Message, Message attention, Microphone, Microprocessor, Microwave, Mini refrigerator, Monitor, Month, Mortar, Mortuary, Movie, Mp3 player, Multimedia, Music, Music converter, Music disk, Music note, My downloads, Navigation, Network connection, New, Newspaper, Nick, No dog, No pets, No smoke, Notepad, Nuclear explosion, Numbered list, Office chair, Ok, OK smile, One finger, Open mail, Out, Outdoor pool, Oven, Paper airplane, Parachute, Paste, Payment, PC, People, People x2, People x3, People x4, People x5, People x6, People x7, People x8, Percent, Petition, Pets, Pharmacy check, Phone, Phone line, Phone settings, Piano, Picture, Piramid, Plaster, Play, Playback, Playlist, Plug, Plumbing, Podcast, Pointer, Pointing down, Pointing left, Pointing right, Pointing up, Pokemon, Police officer, Policeman head, Portfolio, Postage Stamp, Pot flower, Pound, Pound coin, Pray, Premium, Printer, Private house, Problem, Product basket, Professor, Professor head, Properties, Queen sized sofa bed, Question, Qween sized bed, Radiation, Radio, Radio bug, Railway, Recycle, Recycle bin, Recycle full, Redo, Refresh, Refresh key, Remove, Report, Reports, Restaurant, Restrooms, Right, Rock gesture, Roll film, Room service, Rotate d, Rotate d back, Rotate left, Rotate right, Route ID, RSS, Runner, Sad smile, Safe, Sail, Santa Claus, Satellite TV, Sauna, Sausage, Save, Save as, Save image, Saxophone, Scalpel, Scan barcode, Scanner, Schedule, Science, Search, Secrecy, Secrecy key, Secretary, Settings, Setup, Sexy girl, Shapes, Shift down, Shift left, Shift right, Shift up, Shit gesture, Shock, Shoe, Shopping, SIM card, Sink, Site Map, Skiing, Skull, Smile, Smoke, SMS, Socks, Sofa, Sound, Space shuttle, Space station, Spades card, Spider web, Spiral, Sport court, Spy head, Square, Stamp, Star, Star wars, Stats, Stop gesture, Stop sign, Strike, Strong link, Student head, Suit, Sum, Swimming pool, Sword, Swords, Synagogue, Synchronize, Syrup, Tag, Talk, Tape, Tasks, Telephone directory, Temperature, Terminate, Theater symbol, Three fingers, Tie, Time, Time machine, Tools, Tourist industry, Trailer, Train, Transport, Triangle, Trousers, T-shirt, Tulip, Tuning fork, Turn off, Turn-off, TV, TV set, Tween bed, Tween sofa bed, Twitter, Two fingers, Typewriter, Umbrella, Underpants, Undo, Unlock, Up, Upload, Upstairs, USA map, USB, User, User group, User info, User login, Vampire, Vcr, Victory gesture, View, Violin, Vote, Wall, Wall fixture, Wallet, Warning, Washer, Watch, Watermelon piece, Weathercock, Webcam, Week, Wheet, Whirl, Whirlpool tub, Widescreen, Wi-fi router, Windows, Wine bottle, Wireless signal, Woman, Wordpress, Workgroup, Www, Yen coin, Youtube, Yuan coin, Zero fingers, Zoo, Zoom, Zoom in, Zoom out.
Standard Icon Sizes for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Apps
When designing apps for current generations of Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod devices, application developers must use a specific set of images meeting Apple's stringent Custom Icon and Image Creation Guidelines. As a bare minimum, developers need an application icon and a launch image. However, Apple recommends that apps provide quite a few additional images, such as an icon used by the system when displaying Spotlight search results and Settings. Apps that can open certain file types (such as documents, tunes, or video clips) will require icons to represent their supported file types. Most apps will also need a fair share of graphics to draw their navigation bars, tab bars and toolbars.
As a general rule, Apple has very strict requirements on how to draw these icons so that each app running on the iPhone, iPad, or iPod platform conforms to common specifications and visual guidelines. Specifications ensure that your app looks in line with what's offered by Apple and third-party developers.
Designing Icons for the Retina Display
Apple's new pixel-packed Retina display packs more pixels into a small area than was possible just a few years ago. These high-definition displays allow showing the highest definition graphics to display crisp images with stunning dimension and depth. As such, Retina displays will naturally require higher resolution icons to be used in navigation bars, toolbars, and tab bars. Texture-reach, highly detailed, and more realistic images with multiple small elements and carvings will create the most pleasing effect of three-dimensionality and depth. To look great graphics on Retina displays, developers need their icons in resolutions of 60x60 pixels.
Icons for Navigation Bars, Toolbars, and Tab Bars
While, generally, apps can use graphics in any supported size or resolution, there are a few common sizes your icons must include in order for the system to draw them properly in navigation bars, toolbars, and tab bars.
For iPhone and iPod touch toolbar and navigation bars, Apple specifies the image resolutions of 20 x 20 pixels (standard resolution) and 40 x 40 pixels (high resolution, for Retina displays). Toolbar and navigation bars in iPad apps use 20 x 20 pixel versions exclusively.
Tab bar icons are specified in two resolutions. 30 x 30 pixel versions are employed in tab bars displayed in iPad, iPhone and iPod touch apps in standard resolution. In addition, iPhone and iPod touch apps with the Retina display will benefit from having super-sized images in sizes of 60 x 60 pixels.
Royalty-Free Icons for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Navigation Bars, Toolbars, and Tab Bars
Aha-Soft provides a collection of ready-made royalty-free icons conforming to Apple's guidelines for toolbars, navigation bars and tab bars. App Tab Bar Icons for iPhone offer a simple way to design great-looking navigation bars, toolbars, and tab bars in iPhone, iPad, and iPod apps. 120 unique application icons are included in all standard sizes of 20x20, 30x30, 40x40, and 60x60 pixels. Each icon is supplied in black and white versions. Raster PNG and PSD files and scalable vector AI, SVG, and PDF sources are supplied.
Small PNG icons set is a collection of high resolution of hand designed icons which
is very important for web designers and application developers. Generally, the small
PNG icons are designed to use in mobile applications. These icons are designed by
graphical user through basic toolbars. It can be downloaded from a wide variety of
icons collections, and these icons can be added to any websites of application user
interface for a unique flair.
These icons are available in three demandable graphic formats like BMP, ICO and
PNG. These small PNG icons are designed through transparent background. You can
avail these icons in assortments file formats like 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, and 48x48.
All icons are designed by professional artists. Due to numbers of benefits, there are
many users' wants to download the icons for adding in their requirements. It is the
best option for you to use these icons in your requirements.
Whenever the person makes website he tries and use that to convey the message
to maximum the people, there are a lot of people who are very sober to actually
rely on the reading material however there are a lot of age groups who want
something very attractive in web page for visit in case, it is pertaining for icons or
else travel icons. It is a wide variety of the icons that is used all over the world. it is
like in case, person is driving & don't know about traffic signals, and in case, person
belong to fashion industry or doesn't make himself informed, services in icon by
professional will surely raise level of website & make that high profiled site as
professionals know mental level of age group you would like to focus.
Copyright © 2000-2022 Aha-Soft. All rights reserved.
iOS Human Interface Guidelines Hints
For toolbar and navigation bar icons, use icons in the following sizes:
For iPhone and iPod touch
- 20 x 20
- 40 x 40 (high resolution)
For iPad:
For tab bar icons, use icons in the following sizes:
For iPhone and iPod touch:
- 30 x 30
- 60 x 60 (high resolution)
For iPad:
Note: The icon you provide for toolbars, tab bars, and navigation bars is used as a mask to create the icon you see in your application. It is not required to use a full-color icon.
We offer pure white and black icons with appropriate alpha transparency.
iOS Tab Bar Icon Set feature:
Sizes: 20x20, 30x30, 40x40, 60x60
File formats: PNG, PSD
Colors: white, black
Background: transparent
Icon quantity: 565
Compatibility: iPad, iPhone, iPod
Individual stock Icons
You can buy individual ready-made icons to suit your needs. Each icon is $1 when purchased individually.
Get stock icons now!
IconLover is our pick. It allows you to design and edit all kinds of graphics required in the software development cycle, including icons, static and animated cursors and interface elements - all these graphics can now be designed in a single application.
Business Icon Set will make your software and web products look more modern and attractive. File formats included into the set are Windows icons, GIF and PNG images.
ArtIcons Pro is an advanced icon-specific utility for Windows. It supports ICO, BMP, PNG, GIF, PSD, XPM, XBM, WBMP, CUR and ANI image formats and allows you to manage icon libraries.
ArtCursors allows you to find, create, edit, import and export cursors and manage cursor libraries. It supports static and animated cursors.
Any to Icon converts icons and cursors into BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF, ICO, CUR and other formats. This wizard can find icons and make images for use on Web pages.